Tag Archives: Top 100


APOYO Consultoría in the Ranking Merco RSC 2020

We are proud to have entered the top 100 of the ranking of the leading [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Ranking Merco Companies 2020

We are proud to have entered the top 100 of the ranking of the companies [...]

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Round Table Peru of the 21st century

Round Table: Peru in the 21st century | How to generate and promote formal employment?

First edition of “Peru of the 21st century: How to generate and promote formal employment?”, [...]

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Interview with Mauricio Concha Zegarra at Semana Económica

Mauricio Concha Zegarra, Vice President of APOYO Corporate Finance, comments on the reactivation of the [...]

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AC Opinion

The increase in the minimum wage does not favor the majority of workers

The Government has recently announced its intention to increase the minimum wage to raise the [...]

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AC Opinion

The excessive number of non-working days is detrimental to workers

En los últimos tres años, el Congreso ha aprobado cuatro nuevos feriados nacionales. Hemos pasado [...]

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Message from the CEO

Estimados clientes y amigos:  Quiero comunicarles que, según lo establecido en el estatuto societario de [...]

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Economic crisis due to the coronavirus: an unfocused Congress

"What should the Congress of the Republic do in response to an economic crisis as [...]

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A gold mine?: illegal mining

Raúl Andrade, project manager of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, and Maria Fernanda [...]

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AC Opinion

The new Minimum Pensions Law should not be interpreted as an early retirement law

El Congreso de la República ha publicado la Ley que crea las pensiones mínimas en [...]

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