Tag Archives: Sunedu


The Congress and the University Reform

Raúl Andrade, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, warns of the [...]

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Be careful with the university reform!

Raúl Andrade, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, and Carlos Córdova, [...]

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The downward path

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the downward path that we have taken [...]

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AC Opinion

New changes to labor regulations ignore the needs of the majority of workers and the agreements with the ILO

On July 24, the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) modified the regulations of [...]

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Have we already hit rock bottom?

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the political and economic legacy that this [...]

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Agrarian policy to close the poverty gap

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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AC Opinion

The increase in the minimum wage does not favor the majority of workers

The Government has recently announced its intention to increase the minimum wage to raise the [...]

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Let’s not scare away private investment

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, comments on the situation of private investment in [...]

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AC Opinion

Holidays approved by Congress represented a loss of S/2,000 million annually

En los últimos meses, hemos experimentado un proceso gradual de recuperación en el crecimiento económico. [...]

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Agricultural price bands

Geoffrey Cannock, partner of APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, questions the [...]

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