Tag Archives: Reactivate the economy
One year after a new government
Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the challenges that the new Cabinet will [...]
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Government measures against cost increases are not appropriate
Although the general increase in costs is a global phenomenon, the Government's mismanagement exacerbates its [...]
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Five proposals to improve the Peruvian pension system
El sistema de pensiones en el Perú enfrenta tres problemas principales: la baja cobertura, la [...]
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Rare and orphan diseases: How many doctors can diagnose them in Peru?
Miguel Figallo, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, comments on the [...]
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Eliminating the interest rate cap will favor the financial inclusion of lower-income consumers and businesses
Actualmente hay tres proyectos de ley en el Congreso que buscan suspender o eliminar el [...]
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Government policies are affecting well-being in the medium and long term
After five months of mandate of the new Government, the balance of its management at [...]
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Interview with Hugo Santa Maria
"Until last week, 25% of workers lost their jobs"
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The New Industries Law seeks to favor certain specific sectors to the detriment of the majority of the population
El proyecto de la Nueva Ley de Industrias propone otorgar múltiples incentivos fiscales a sectores [...]
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Almost S/50,000 million increase in public spending unconstitutionally approved by Congress was not observed by the Government
Hace unas semanas, S&P redujo la calificación crediticia del Perú de BBB a BBB-, lo [...]
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