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Datos e informalidad

Ángel Guillén, director de Analytics de APOYO Consultoría, destaca el valor del uso de datos como fuente [...]

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In-Depth: Merger Control | Peru 2024

Vincent Poirier-Garneau, socio de APOYO Consultoría y líder de la unidad de Consultoría Económica, y [...]

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“We have allowed the State to fragment”

Gianfranco Castagnola, executive president of APOYO Consultoría, spoke with Peru 21 about the complex situation [...]

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APOYO Consultoría on the 2021 Ranking – Leaders League Litigation Support

At APOYO Consultoría we are proud that our firm is recognized in the highest category [...]

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AC Opinion

Increase in the ISC: An ineffective measure that would not achieve its objective

Esta semana, el Ministro de Economía ha actualizado el Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo (ISC) sobre [...]

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The Government believes that the State is a loot

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, spoke with Peru 21 about the risks that [...]

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Such an uncertain electoral process will slow down the recovery of private investment

Gianfranco Castagnola, executive president of APOYO Consultoría, spoke with the magazine G de Gestión about [...]

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Reactivating the tourism sector

"This is an opportunity for the State to invest in technology, in order to have [...]

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Vinatea & Toyama and APOYO Consultoría join forces to enhance human management decision making

Fruto de esta alianza estratégica nace AXPEN, Asesoría centrada en Personas y Negocios, que ayudará [...]

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