Tag Archives: Productive engines


Engines off

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes how the country's growth engines such as [...]

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AC Opinion

New changes to labor regulations ignore the needs of the majority of workers and the agreements with the ILO

On July 24, the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) modified the regulations of [...]

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AC Opinion

More government commitment is needed to really reactivate the economy

Last week, APOYO Consultoría reviewed its economic growth projections for 2022 and 2023 during the [...]

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Posts Press

Financial planning: the strategy that can be implemented in a volatile situation

Artículo en Gestión. Hace pocos años, pensar en reperfilar, reprogramar o reestructurar la deuda financiera [...]

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CEO Study 2024 – Executives are pessimistic about security management

Los esfuerzos realizados por parte del Ejecutivo para enfrentar el incremento de la delincuencia en [...]

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AC Opinion

Proposals to guarantee a sustainable pension reform that benefits more Peruvians

La semana pasada, el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) presentó al Congreso su proyecto [...]

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AC Opinion

Government policies are affecting well-being in the medium and long term

After five months of mandate of the new Government, the balance of its management at [...]

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Difficult decisions

"The degree of opening and its speed implicitly entail a 'trade-off' of health vs. economy"

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AC Opinion

Petroperú lacks the technical, economic and legal capacity to exploit oil in the Talara lots

En las últimas semanas, se ha reactivado el debate sobre si los lotes I, VI, [...]

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