Tag Archives: National Forest and Wildlife Service


About dolphins and turtles

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, reflects on [...]

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AC Opinion

The New Industries Law seeks to favor certain specific sectors to the detriment of the majority of the population

El proyecto de la Nueva Ley de Industrias propone otorgar múltiples incentivos fiscales a sectores [...]

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Vincent Poirier-Garneau among the best experts on economic issues in the Leaders League ranking

We salute Vincent Poirier-Garneau, partner of the Economic Consulting area of ​​APOYO Consultoría

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AC Opinion

The current economic recovery is not enough to raise the minimum wage

La semana pasada, el ministro de Trabajo, Daniel Maurate, anunció que el Gobierno está preparando [...]

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AC Opinion

Petroperú: Comprehensive restructuring instead of more financial bailouts

Recientemente, Petroperú solicitó por cuarta vez un rescate financiero al Estado, por cerca de US$3,000 [...]

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The University Reform is not negotiated

Raúl Andrade, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, and Carlos Córdova, [...]

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Is it a good time for the Peruvian company to seek internationalization?

Clive Ramsey, manager of the Management Consulting unit at APOYO Consultoría, and Leonidas Cuenca, project [...]

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“Over 90,000 [outsourced workers] could lose their jobs”

35% of businesses that would have employees "in conflict" with restrictions on hiring outsourced personnel, [...]

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AC Opinion

Early elections, but with political reform

Desde hace más de una semana, el Perú vive una de las peores crisis políticas [...]

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