Tag Archives: MINSA


Rare and orphan diseases: How many doctors can diagnose them in Peru?

Miguel Figallo, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, comments on the [...]

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AC Opinion

The excessive number of non-working days is detrimental to workers

En los últimos tres años, el Congreso ha aprobado cuatro nuevos feriados nacionales. Hemos pasado [...]

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The Congress and the University Reform

Raúl Andrade, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, warns of the [...]

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AC Opinion

Peru still suffers a strong labor crisis

Although the labor market in Peru shows us a recovery close to pre-pandemic levels, it [...]

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AC Opinion

New deductions to personal income tax would reduce revenue and harm the fiscal consolidation process

La Comisión de Economía aprobó recientemente un dictamen que introduce nuevas categorías de gasto que [...]

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Agricultural price bands

Geoffrey Cannock, partner of APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, questions the [...]

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AC Opinion

Progress and pending challenges in the fight for gender equality in Peru

Aunque se ha logrado avanzar significativamente en el acceso a educación en el Perú, las [...]

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AC Opinion

Government promotes measures that discourage formality

The government has been promoting initiatives that would discourage the creation of formal jobs and [...]

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Internet speed

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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