Tag Archives: Merco


APOYO Consultoría in the Ranking Merco RSC 2020

We are proud to have entered the top 100 of the ranking of the leading [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Ranking Merco Companies 2020

We are proud to have entered the top 100 of the ranking of the companies [...]

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Business breakfast in Arequipa

El martes 26 de noviembre, nos reunimos con un grupo  selecto de líderes empresariales del [...]

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Interview with Hugo Santa Maria

"Until last week, 25% of workers lost their jobs"

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How is the Peruvian consumer changing?

Ángel Guillén, director of Analytics, and Clive Ramsey, project director of the Managing Consulting unit [...]

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Global real shocks

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, reflects on [...]

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Posts Press

Use of AI is key to improving company efficiency, but there are still challenges

La reciente irrupción de la inteligencia artificial generativa como ChatGPT ha generado un sin número [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Merco Responsibility and Corporate Governance ranking 2019

We are proud to have entered the ranking of the leading consulting companies in social [...]

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AC Opinion

Approval of the new labor code project would be a serious blow to labor formalization and would favor only a minority

The Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) has pre-published a draft labor code that [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Merco Talento 2020 Sectoral Ranking

At APOYO Consultoría, we are proud to belong to the top 5 of the ranking [...]

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