Tag Archives: Internet


Universal internet access

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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Internet speed

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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AC Opinion

The cost of Petroperú: Diagnosis and recommendations | Part 1

Petroperú enfrenta una crisis de sostenibilidad, que llevó al Gobierno anterior a comprometer recursos públicos [...]

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APOYO Consultoría on the 2021 Ranking – Leaders League Litigation Support

At APOYO Consultoría we are proud that our firm is recognized in the highest category [...]

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AC Opinion

Cuatro medidas temporales y urgentes para mitigar y atender los efectos de un posible Fenómeno El Niño hacia el verano de 2024

Las fuertes lluvias han causado numerosas pérdidas y daños, generando preocupación sobre la preparación del [...]

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The bad ideas of pension reform

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the draft framework law for the creation [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Merco Talento 2020 Sectoral Ranking

At APOYO Consultoría, we are proud to belong to the top 5 of the ranking [...]

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Internet speed

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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“Over 90,000 [outsourced workers] could lose their jobs”

35% of businesses that would have employees "in conflict" with restrictions on hiring outsourced personnel, [...]

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A feast that must end

The DU tries to find a healthy balance between the right of workers to negotiate

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