Tag Archives: Health


Webinar: Innovation in the Health Sector

Vincent Poirier-Garneau, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, and Miguel [...]

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AC Opinion

Fiscal deterioration has increased the risk of losing investment grade

Luego de décadas de manejo fiscal responsable, el deterioro de las cuentas públicas en los [...]

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Round Table Peru of the 21st century

Round Table: Peru in the 21st century | The expected reform of the pension system

Second edition of “Peru of the XXI Century: The long-awaited reform of the pension system”, [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in Merco Empresas 2024

Estamos orgullosos de ser reconocidos nuevamente entre las empresas con mejor reputación en sector Consultoría [...]

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The impact may be greater than our estimate of 100,000 workers

Camila Ghezzi, head of economic policies at APOYO Consultoría, explains the impact of regulations that [...]

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Recovery based on external demand

Donita Rodríguez, head of macroeconomic analysis at the Business Advisory Service (SAE) of APOYO Consultoria, [...]

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AC Opinion

Cuatro medidas temporales y urgentes para mitigar y atender los efectos de un posible Fenómeno El Niño hacia el verano de 2024

Las fuertes lluvias han causado numerosas pérdidas y daños, generando preocupación sobre la preparación del [...]

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AC Opinion

Deficiencies in the return to face-to-face classes put the recovery of learning at risk

Peru is one of the last countries in the region and in the world to [...]

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The bad ideas of pension reform

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the draft framework law for the creation [...]

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