Tag Archives: Crisis


Have we already hit rock bottom?

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the political and economic legacy that this [...]

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How is the Peruvian consumer changing?

Ángel Guillén, director of Analytics, and Clive Ramsey, project director of the Managing Consulting unit [...]

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Opportunities in times of COVID-19

Clive Ramsey, project director of the Business Consulting unit at APOYO Consulting, outlines preparation for [...]

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Reactivating the tourism sector

"This is an opportunity for the State to invest in technology, in order to have [...]

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AC Opinion

Four proposals to avoid new financial pressures on Petroperú

Esta semana, el Gobierno avanzó con el proceso de entregar a Petroperú la operación de [...]

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AC Opinion

Congressional initiatives on labor matters make the formalization of more than 12 million Peruvians more difficult

La producción regulatoria del Congreso apunta hacia un marco normativo laboral más rígido, más costoso [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in Who’s Who Legal Competition 2024

Nos complace anunciar que Vincent Poirier-Garneau y Andrés Caro; socio y gerente de la unidad [...]

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Message from the CEO

Estimados clientes y amigos:  Quiero comunicarles que, según lo establecido en el estatuto societario de [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in Merco Empresas 2024

Estamos orgullosos de ser reconocidos nuevamente entre las empresas con mejor reputación en sector Consultoría [...]

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Posts Press

Cartels in the crosshairs: Indecopi’s ‘wave’ of investigations

Artículo en Gestión. El Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección [...]

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Let’s not scare away private investment

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, comments on the situation of private investment in [...]

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What the coronavirus leaves in its wake

The spread of the virus appears to have delayed the expected recovery of the Chinese [...]

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