Tag Archives: COVID-19


Can Peru recover from a double-digit drop in GDP?

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes Peru's gloomy economic outlook, and the recovery [...]

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Populist Huaico

"The risk is that in the 14 months that lie ahead, damage could be perpetrated [...]

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Health lessons in times of crisis

There is no excuse that justifies that our health system remains so sick.

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COVID-19: business challenges

Javier Tabata, partner at APOYO Consulting and leader of the Business Consulting unit

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AC Opinion

Five proposals to improve the Peruvian pension system

El sistema de pensiones en el Perú enfrenta tres problemas principales: la baja cobertura, la [...]

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Posts Press

Cartels in the crosshairs: Indecopi’s ‘wave’ of investigations

Artículo en Gestión. El Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección [...]

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APOYO Finanzas Corporativas advises ESSAC shareholders on the sale of 100% of their shares to the French multinational group Séché Environnement

Tras la adquisición ESSAC formará parte del grupo multinacional francés, Séché Environnement, empresa dedicada a [...]

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Recovery based on external demand

Donita Rodríguez, head of macroeconomic analysis at the Business Advisory Service (SAE) of APOYO Consultoria, [...]

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Populist Huaico

"The risk is that in the 14 months that lie ahead, damage could be perpetrated [...]

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There is immense concern because the government of President Castillo is very bad

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, makes an evaluation of the management of the [...]

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Vincent Poirier-Garneau among the best experts on economic issues in the Leaders League ranking

We salute Vincent Poirier-Garneau, partner of the Economic Consulting area of ​​APOYO Consultoría

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Round Table Peru of the 21st century

Round Table: Peru in the 21st century | Petro-Peru, a long-term task

Fourth edition of "Peru of the 21st century: Petro-Peru, a long-term task", a panel discussion [...]

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