We promote the design of regulatory improvements in regulated industries such as energy, health care, telecommunications, and transportation infrastructure. We also evaluate the economic impact of existing regulations and contribute evidence to the development of new regulations in an effort to optimize their benefits.


Economic analysis of priority medicines in Peru distributed and sold by Farmacias Peruanas

APOYO Consultoría was hired by InRetail Pharma to perform a study evaluating the behavior of Farmacias Peruanas toward consumers and competitors in recent years, based on an analysis of price evolution, stocks established, and the entry of new competitors into the pharmaceuticals market.



Vincent Poirier-Garneau

Economic Consulting

Miguel Figallo

Project Manager
Economic Consulting


Anglo American Quellaveco
Cerro Verde
Inca Rail
Inretail Pharma
Lima Expresa
San Fernando

Carlos Magno Jobim


Lima Expresa

APOYO Consultoría stands out for its top-level team, high-quality work, and its ability to meet even the tightest deadlines. Thanks to the team’s excellent technical skills, the learning curve is quick, which helps to streamline the work, especially when it involves complex topics. I think it’s very important for a consultant to not just follow a client’s instructions, but to propose other ways of tackling the same problem or evaluating the situation. The added value provided by APOYO Consultoría is that they help us look for solutions and present us with alternatives that we have oftentimes failed to identify ourselves. They have helped us with critical issues for the organization and complex negotiating processes with the government. While we have not gotten the results we were hoping for in every single case, we have always ended up in a better position than when we started. Whether great or small, there is always a positive impact.

Juan Carlos Belaunde Cabieses

Director of Corporate Affairs and Social Responsibility

Gloria Group

We hired APOYO Consultoría because we know they do diligent, high-quality work, whether with research or any other tasks with which they are entrusted. Their reputation is a guarantee of credibility wherever you go. Not only are they a trustworthy company, but everyone knows it. The experience and skill of each of the company’s members allows them to gain a full understanding of what the client needs and go above and beyond, using creativity and pragmatism to maximize the value of their consulting services. Overall, the most important benefit APOYO Consultoría provides is the ability to make ‘tangible’ or demonstrable things that can sometimes seem relative or vague, and that makes a difference in any field.

Hernan Malpartida

Director of Corporate Affairs

InRetail Pharma

The reputation and diligent work of APOYO Consultoría gives us peace of mind when it comes to the quality of the deliverables and the knowledge that external agents will trust the objectivity of the results. In addition to working to understand the context in which we operate and co-designing projects with us to make them more robust, APOYO Consultoría has given us the tools we need to objectively demonstrate—in different forums and to different audiences—key aspects about our operation which people sometimes talk about without truly understanding them.

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