Round Table: Peru in the 21st century | How to generate and promote formal employment?

First edition of “Peru of the 21st century: How to generate and promote formal employment?”, a panel discussion organized by El Comercio and APOYO Consultoría.
In this first edition, the invited panelists respond on how to reduce informality in Peru and the successes and failures of the labor policies that the MTPE has been implementing, at a panel moderated by Jose Carlos Saavedra Solano, partner and principal economist of our firm.


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APOYO Finanzas Corporativas advises ESSAC shareholders on the sale of 100% of their shares to the French multinational group Séché Environnement

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AC Opinion

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AC Opinion

Reversing the general feeling of regression and pessimism in the population requires a change of course in the Government’s policies

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AC Opinion

Four measures to mitigate the increase in the cost of living

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