Curfews are not effective measures to combat COVID-19

The Government's priorities should be to accelerate and encourage vaccination in lagging regions, focus on compliance with protocols and improve its hospital response and testing capacity.


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AC Opinion

25 million Peruvians lack continuous access to quality drinking water services

En nuestro país, si bien el porcentaje de la población que no tiene conexión al [...]

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Posts Press

Cartels in the crosshairs: Indecopi’s ‘wave’ of investigations

Artículo en Gestión. El Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección [...]

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There is no light at the end of the tunnel

Miguel Figallo, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, comments on the [...]

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AC Opinion

Six measures to resume the course of poverty reduction in the short term

Los últimos datos sobre la pobreza en nuestro país evidencian una realidad alarmante: nos hemos [...]

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AC Opinion

Government measures against cost increases are not appropriate

Although the general increase in costs is a global phenomenon, the Government's mismanagement exacerbates its [...]

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Populist Huaico

"The risk is that in the 14 months that lie ahead, damage could be perpetrated [...]

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AC Opinion

Lessons that the increase in poverty leaves us in 2022

Según el informe más reciente del INEI, el porcentaje de la población en situación de [...]

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Have we already hit rock bottom?

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the political and economic legacy that this [...]

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