Category Archives: Press

Posts Press

Financial planning: the strategy that can be implemented in a volatile situation

Artículo en Gestión. Hace pocos años, pensar en reperfilar, reprogramar o reestructurar la deuda financiera [...]

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Posts Press

Use of AI is key to improving company efficiency, but there are still challenges

La reciente irrupción de la inteligencia artificial generativa como ChatGPT ha generado un sin número [...]

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Posts Press

In 2024, some key productive sectors will go from red to blue and will boost GDP growth to close to 3%

Artículo en Gestión. Luego de un 2023 particularmente complicado para el cumplimiento de los objetivos [...]

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CEO Study 2024 – Executives are pessimistic about security management

Los esfuerzos realizados por parte del Ejecutivo para enfrentar el incremento de la delincuencia en [...]

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Gianfranco Castagnola: “This is not the team with which we would have wanted to face a crisis of this magnitude”

Interview with Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, in the newspaper Perú 21.

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Reactivating the tourism sector

"This is an opportunity for the State to invest in technology, in order to have [...]

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A gold mine?: illegal mining

Raúl Andrade, project manager of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, and Maria Fernanda [...]

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AC Opinion

Government promotes measures that discourage formality

The government has been promoting initiatives that would discourage the creation of formal jobs and [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Merco Talento 2020 Sectoral Ranking

At APOYO Consultoría, we are proud to belong to the top 5 of the ranking [...]

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AC Opinion

Progress and pending challenges in the fight for gender equality in Peru

Aunque se ha logrado avanzar significativamente en el acceso a educación en el Perú, las [...]

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Compliance programs in free competition in Latin America. Economic and legal tools to improve their effectiveness

Vincent Poirier-Garneau y Andrés Caro, socio y director de proyectos de la unidad de Consultoría [...]

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AC Opinion

Proposals to restore the dynamism of the Peruvian economy. Volume 1

    APOYO Consultoría – Consejo Privado de Competitividad (CPC) En el 2023, la economía [...]

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