Category Archives: Posts


Companies and shared value

Raúl Andrade, project manager of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the shared [...]

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Agrarian policy to close the poverty gap

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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The Congress and the University Reform

Raúl Andrade, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, warns of the [...]

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Recovery based on external demand

Donita Rodríguez, head of macroeconomic analysis at the Business Advisory Service (SAE) of APOYO Consultoria, [...]

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The impact may be greater than our estimate of 100,000 workers

Camila Ghezzi, head of economic policies at APOYO Consultoría, explains the impact of regulations that [...]

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Engines off

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes how the country's growth engines such as [...]

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Posts Press

A fundamental element when making the decision to invest: the associated tax cost

Artículo en Gestión. No es un secreto que cuando las decisiones de inversión pasan a ser [...]

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Posts Press

Three major mistakes companies make in data management

Artículo en Gestión. Los datos son un recurso relevante en la gestión de los negocios. [...]

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AC Opinion

Congressional initiatives on labor matters make the formalization of more than 12 million Peruvians more difficult

La producción regulatoria del Congreso apunta hacia un marco normativo laboral más rígido, más costoso [...]

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AC Opinion

Increasing the rental income tax would be counterproductive

Given the high risk that a poor design of economic policy entails, we consider it [...]

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Tribute to Felipe Ortiz de Zevallos

Hoy rendimos homenaje a Felipe Ortiz de Zevallos, fundador de APOYO en 1977, quien recientemente [...]

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Universal internet access

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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