Category Archives: Posts


Difficult decisions

"The degree of opening and its speed implicitly entail a 'trade-off' of health vs. economy"

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Economic crisis due to the coronavirus: an unfocused Congress

"What should the Congress of the Republic do in response to an economic crisis as [...]

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Balance of the week

Hugo Santa María, partner and chief economist at APOYO Consultoría, shares his balance after the [...]

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A feast that must end

The DU tries to find a healthy balance between the right of workers to negotiate

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AC Opinion

Peruvians spend more than they should on medicines due to shortages in the public health system

En el Perú existe un grave problema de acceso a medicamentos que afecta, principalmente, a [...]

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El precio de la luz y el Poder Judicial

Miguel Figallo, director de proyectos de la unidad de Consultoría Económica de APOYO Consultoría, analiza las [...]

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Datos e informalidad

Ángel Guillén, director de Analytics de APOYO Consultoría, destaca el valor del uso de datos como fuente [...]

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“The obstacles to investing in Peru are numerous, making the ‘fuel’ insufficient to keep things moving”

Artículo en Gestión. Hugo Santa María, socio y economista jefe de Apoyo Consultoría, conversó con Gestión sobre [...]

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AC Opinion

The excessive number of non-working days is detrimental to workers

En los últimos tres años, el Congreso ha aprobado cuatro nuevos feriados nacionales. Hemos pasado [...]

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Difficult decisions

"The degree of opening and its speed implicitly entail a 'trade-off' of health vs. economy"

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Message from the CEO

Estimados clientes y amigos:  Quiero comunicarles que, según lo establecido en el estatuto societario de [...]

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Agricultural price bands

Geoffrey Cannock, partner of APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, questions the [...]

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