Category Archives: Event


Business breakfast in Arequipa

El martes 26 de noviembre, nos reunimos con un grupo  selecto de líderes empresariales del [...]

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Message from the CEO

Estimados clientes y amigos:  Quiero comunicarles que, según lo establecido en el estatuto societario de [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in Merco Empresas 2024

Estamos orgullosos de ser reconocidos nuevamente entre las empresas con mejor reputación en sector Consultoría [...]

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SAE Annual Convention 2024

Los días 2 y 3 de setiembre se llevó a cabo nuestra Convención Anual SAE [...]

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AC Opinion

Government policies are affecting well-being in the medium and long term

After five months of mandate of the new Government, the balance of its management at [...]

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Let’s not scare away private investment

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, comments on the situation of private investment in [...]

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Merger control

"The latest version was technically well prepared and includes the best international practices"

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AC Opinion

Congressional initiatives on labor matters make the formalization of more than 12 million Peruvians more difficult

La producción regulatoria del Congreso apunta hacia un marco normativo laboral más rígido, más costoso [...]

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AC Opinion

Delegation of powers

The government has requested powers to legislate on tax matters, both tax policy and tax [...]

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AC Opinion

The new Minimum Pensions Law should not be interpreted as an early retirement law

El Congreso de la República ha publicado la Ley que crea las pensiones mínimas en [...]

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Datos e informalidad

Ángel Guillén, director de Analytics de APOYO Consultoría, destaca el valor del uso de datos como fuente [...]

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“Over 90,000 [outsourced workers] could lose their jobs”

35% of businesses that would have employees "in conflict" with restrictions on hiring outsourced personnel, [...]

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