Category Archives: AC Opinion

AC Opinion

25 million Peruvians lack continuous access to quality drinking water services

En nuestro país, si bien el porcentaje de la población que no tiene conexión al [...]

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AC Opinion

Approving a seventh AFP withdrawal “benefits” a few, but we all pay the cost

Mañana el Congreso debatirá la aprobación de un séptimo retiro anticipado de fondos de pensiones [...]

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AC Opinion

Eliminating the interest rate cap will favor the financial inclusion of lower-income consumers and businesses

Actualmente hay tres proyectos de ley en el Congreso que buscan suspender o eliminar el [...]

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AC Opinion

From diagnosis to action: Six proposals to increase female labor participation

Hoy, en el Día Internacional de la Mujer, vemos muchos diagnósticos necesarios y acertados acerca [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Merco Responsibility and Corporate Governance ranking 2019

We are proud to have entered the ranking of the leading consulting companies in social [...]

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AC Opinion

Government promotes measures that discourage formality

The government has been promoting initiatives that would discourage the creation of formal jobs and [...]

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AC Opinion

The increase in the minimum wage does not favor the majority of workers

The Government has recently announced its intention to increase the minimum wage to raise the [...]

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How can companies face an environment of uncertainty?

Javier Tabata, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Management Consulting and Analytics units, [...]

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Vinatea & Toyama and APOYO Consultoría join forces to enhance human management decision making

Fruto de esta alianza estratégica nace AXPEN, Asesoría centrada en Personas y Negocios, que ayudará [...]

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AC Opinion

Increasing the rental income tax would be counterproductive

Given the high risk that a poor design of economic policy entails, we consider it [...]

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Gianfranco Castagnola: “This is not the team with which we would have wanted to face a crisis of this magnitude”

Interview with Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, in the newspaper Perú 21.

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Posts Press

Use of AI is key to improving company efficiency, but there are still challenges

La reciente irrupción de la inteligencia artificial generativa como ChatGPT ha generado un sin número [...]

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