Author Archives: @userapoyo


Business prospects for CEOs in Peru 2022

Leonidas Cuenca, project manager of the Management Consulting team at APOYO Consultoría, comments on the [...]

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Rare and orphan diseases: How many doctors can diagnose them in Peru?

Miguel Figallo, project director of the Economic Consulting unit of APOYO Consultoría, comments on the [...]

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AC Opinion

Bill approved by Congress puts the quality of education for young people at risk

The law approved in the first vote by Congress weakens the independence of the Board [...]

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AC Opinion

Peru still suffers a strong labor crisis

Although the labor market in Peru shows us a recovery close to pre-pandemic levels, it [...]

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AC Opinion

Approving a seventh AFP withdrawal “benefits” a few, but we all pay the cost

Mañana el Congreso debatirá la aprobación de un séptimo retiro anticipado de fondos de pensiones [...]

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Should antitrust policy play a role in fighting inflation? Considerations from a Latin American perspective

Vincent Poirier-Garneau, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, and Andrés [...]

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AC Opinion

Increasing the rental income tax would be counterproductive

Given the high risk that a poor design of economic policy entails, we consider it [...]

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AC Opinion

Price increase is an international phenomenon whose impacts the Government has failed to mitigate

During the last few days we have heard government authorities mistakenly say that the #inflation [...]

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Business breakfast in Arequipa

El martes 26 de noviembre, nos reunimos con un grupo  selecto de líderes empresariales del [...]

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How is the Peruvian consumer changing?

Ángel Guillén, director of Analytics, and Clive Ramsey, project director of the Managing Consulting unit [...]

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APOYO Finanzas Corporativas advises ESSAC shareholders on the sale of 100% of their shares to the French multinational group Séché Environnement

Tras la adquisición ESSAC formará parte del grupo multinacional francés, Séché Environnement, empresa dedicada a [...]

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Vincent Poirier-Garneau among the best experts on economic issues in the Leaders League ranking

We salute Vincent Poirier-Garneau, partner of the Economic Consulting area of ​​APOYO Consultoría

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