Author Archives: @userapoyo


Interview with Gianfranco Castagnola

"The response to the crisis has to be massive"

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Balance of the week

Hugo Santa María, partner and chief economist at APOYO Consultoría, shares his balance after the [...]

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A feast that must end

The DU tries to find a healthy balance between the right of workers to negotiate

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Of the virus and other demons

"The impact on our economy could be significant," says José Carlos Saavedra, partner and principal [...]

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Interview with Hugo Santa Maria

"Until last week, 25% of workers lost their jobs"

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AC Opinion

Peruvians spend more than they should on medicines due to shortages in the public health system

En el Perú existe un grave problema de acceso a medicamentos que afecta, principalmente, a [...]

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For the people, what belongs to the people

Within the framework of a new attempt by the Government to put a constitutional change [...]

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Round Table Peru of the 21st century

Round Table: Peru in the 21st century | The expected reform of the pension system

Second edition of “Peru of the XXI Century: The long-awaited reform of the pension system”, [...]

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Universal internet access

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, analyzes the [...]

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AC Opinion

25 million Peruvians lack continuous access to quality drinking water services

En nuestro país, si bien el porcentaje de la población que no tiene conexión al [...]

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AC Opinion

Almost S/50,000 million increase in public spending unconstitutionally approved by Congress was not observed by the Government

Hace unas semanas, S&P redujo la calificación crediticia del Perú de BBB a BBB-, lo [...]

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AC Opinion

Five proposals to ensure fiscal sustainability in the face of a possible climate emergency in 2024

El Marco Macroeconómico Multianual (MMM) para el periodo 2024-2027, publicado recientemente, enciende una señal de [...]

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