Author Archives: @userapoyo


APOYO Consultoría in the Merco Talento 2020 Sectoral Ranking

At APOYO Consultoría, we are proud to belong to the top 5 of the ranking [...]

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One year after a new government

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, analyzes the challenges that the new Cabinet will [...]

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Opportunities in times of COVID-19

Clive Ramsey, project director of the Business Consulting unit at APOYO Consulting, outlines preparation for [...]

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Reactivating the tourism sector

"This is an opportunity for the State to invest in technology, in order to have [...]

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Reactivating the tourism sector

"This is an opportunity for the State to invest in technology, in order to have [...]

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AC Opinion

Bill approved by Congress puts the quality of education for young people at risk

The law approved in the first vote by Congress weakens the independence of the Board [...]

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APOYO Consultoría on the 2021 Ranking – Leaders League Litigation Support

At APOYO Consultoría we are proud that our firm is recognized in the highest category [...]

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AC Opinion

Delegation of powers

The government has requested powers to legislate on tax matters, both tax policy and tax [...]

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AC Opinion

The New Industries Law seeks to favor certain specific sectors to the detriment of the majority of the population

El proyecto de la Nueva Ley de Industrias propone otorgar múltiples incentivos fiscales a sectores [...]

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Posts Press

Family businesses with an eye on the future: the strategic role of “exit planning”

Artículo en Gestión. Las empresas familiares constituyen una parte esencial de la economía. Según estudios de la [...]

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Posts Press

Financial planning: the strategy that can be implemented in a volatile situation

Artículo en Gestión. Hace pocos años, pensar en reperfilar, reprogramar o reestructurar la deuda financiera [...]

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Merger control

"The latest version was technically well prepared and includes the best international practices"

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