Author Archives: APOYO Consultoría


“We have allowed the State to fragment”

Gianfranco Castagnola, executive president of APOYO Consultoría, spoke with Peru 21 about the complex situation [...]

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AC Opinion

The draft regulation of the new Teleworking Law puts the use of this type of employment at risk

Los esquemas híbridos de trabajo, que combinan el trabajo presencial y el teletrabajo, han ganado [...]

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AC Opinion

The cost of Petroperú: Diagnosis and recommendations | Part 1

Petroperú enfrenta una crisis de sostenibilidad, que llevó al Gobierno anterior a comprometer recursos públicos [...]

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Round Table Peru of the 21st century

Round Table: Peru in the 21st century | Food inflation, impacts and policies

Third edition of the discussion table “Peru of the 21st century: Food inflation, impacts and [...]

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Compliance programs in free competition in Latin America. Economic and legal tools to improve their effectiveness

Vincent Poirier-Garneau y Andrés Caro, socio y director de proyectos de la unidad de Consultoría [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the Merco Responsibility and Corporate Governance ranking 2019

We are proud to have entered the ranking of the leading consulting companies in social [...]

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APOYO Finanzas Corporativas advises ESSAC shareholders on the sale of 100% of their shares to the French multinational group Séché Environnement

Tras la adquisición ESSAC formará parte del grupo multinacional francés, Séché Environnement, empresa dedicada a [...]

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A bad remedy

Vincent Poirier-Garneau, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, and Miguel [...]

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The Government is not focused on the most urgent problems of Peruvians

Gianfranco Castagnola, managing partner of APOYO Consultoría, spoke with Peru 21 about the risks that [...]

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AC Opinion

More government commitment is needed to really reactivate the economy

Last week, APOYO Consultoría reviewed its economic growth projections for 2022 and 2023 during the [...]

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AC Opinion

Early elections, but with political reform

Desde hace más de una semana, el Perú vive una de las peores crisis políticas [...]

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“Enel is going to be a good thermometer of what can happen in large transactions in Peru”

Eduardo Campos, partner at APOYO Finanzas Corporativas, explains in an interview with Semana Económica that [...]

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